What is Operation Christmas Child?

Operation Christmas Child is a worldwide evangelistic effort to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to children in every nation. This is done by believers packing shoeboxes full of gifts which are then sent around the world and given in the name of Jesus! These children then have the opportunity to hear the gospel and to grow in Christ through discipleship.

Our goal this year is to pack 650 boxes.

Each box represents a kingdom opportunity and a soul that can be won to Christ!


Where did our boxes go?


From 2018 - 2020 we have sent over 1500 boxes top countries all over the world! These include Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Paraguay, Mali, Benin, Rwanda, Uganda, Angola, and South Africa.

We have also sent boxes to “hard to reach” areas.

For the safety of some ministry partners and local believers, OCC cannot disclose the names of some countries.


How can I get involved?


Donate items

At the back of the sanctuary there will be a Christmas tree with tags that you can take that have the items that are needed for each shoebox. You can purchase those items and bring them back to the church.

If you are not able to bring items to the church you can follow the link below to purchase items for boxes and ship them to the selected address attached to the link for Sundae Johnson. There are high priority items listed on the list that are essential to be packed in the boxes. Please look at these carefully.

Sponsor a box

Operation Christmas Child asks for a $10 donation per box. This pays for shipping so the boxes can go all over the world, and for discipleship materials. Each child who receives a box has the opportunity to go through a discipleship program called the Greatest Journey.

Shipping for OCC boxes will be paid for out of the Missions and Outreach Fund. All donations to Missions and Outreach provide for short term missions trips, local outreach and global missions.

occ packing party

Join us on October 22nd at 11:30am for our annual OCC Packing Party! The packing party is a church wide event for us all to gather, eat and do ministry. There will be packing stations to fill the boxes with the items that we have collected. Bring your whole family and bring a dish to share if you can! If you have any questions about Operation Christmas Child, please contact Sundae Johnson