Day 8 - Jesus is God
Read John 1:1-4
In our second week of prayer and fasting, we will be dwelling on the person and work of Jesus. At the beginning of His Gospel, John sets out to clearly define for us who Jesus is and to help us understand His divinity. He first identifies Jesus as “the Word,” which in Greek is the word logos. To the Greek philosophers, logos was the divine power that brought order and reason into the world. To the Jews, they viewed the word of God as the manifestation and implementation of God’s will, such as in Psalm 33:6; By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, and by the breath of his mouth all their host. (ESV) As John continues to help us understand who Jesus is, he attributes to Jesus characteristics that belong only to God.
Jesus is eternal. He says that “He (Jesus) was in the beginning with God.” Before all things were created, Jesus was there with God.
Jesus is a distinct member of the Trinity. John says that the “Word was with God.” Before all things, Jesus and the Father were in a relationship with one another.
Jesus is God. John says that “the Word was God”. Here we have one of the most profound and stunning realities of who God is. That Jesus can both be a distinct member of the Trinity, God the Son, and also be fully God.
Jesus is Creator. “All things were made through Him.” It was through “the Word” of God, Jesus, that all things were made. In Genesis, we read that God spoke, and creation came to be. Jesus was the Word of God that brought creation into being.
Jesus is life. “In Him was life…” As opposed to man who depends on food and many other things to live, Jesus has life within Himself. As we are born again in Christ, we then can have this eternal life, because life is in Christ.
Jesus is light. “…and the life was the light of men.” Jesus is the light of the world. His life and light shine into the darkness and death of our world, showing us that there is one who is greater than the sin we experience here on earth.
As we dwell on the power, eternality, and perfection of Jesus we can begin to set our minds to understand the incredible mercy and grace of God that is shown to us in Christ Jesus.
by Aubrey Perea