Day 12 - Jesus is Alive
Read Matthew 28:1-10
Jesus is Alive
It is interesting to note that, during the time the Gospels were written, some of the most unappreciated people were both shepherds and women. While we see at the beginning of Jesus’ human life, His birth, that the angels held a concert for the shepherds in that region, announcing to them that their long-awaited Messiah had been born, and at the beginning of His resurrection, His new life as the first-born among the resurrected, that it would be angels that return to give the message to women that “He is Risen”.
These women were given the blessing to be the first ones to visually see that their Lord had indeed risen and they, like the shepherds, were to go and tell others of His return, as promised. These women, no doubt, had not expected to see this miracle, knowing their Lord was now dead, but their faith was exponentially increased once they saw the scene of His tomb.
With great haste and excitement, these women told the others what they saw, and nothing could change their testimony, accepted or not. As they went to tell His disciples about this, Jesus Himself appeared to them and reassured them of the message they had received and made their message that much more impactful.
Jesus has risen, of that there is no doubt. How often do we recognize His purpose in our lives? He rose in fulfillment of the Scriptures, just as He said He would do. As the risen King, He has promised to guide us into a more fruitful life and be the Good Shepherd.
by Henry Salas