Day 1 - God is Holy
Read Revelation Chapter 4
As our minds and eyes are so focused on this world, it can be difficult for us to have a proper perspective on who God is. In Revelation 4 we are given a glimpse into the throne room of Heaven, to see God in His glory. One of the aspects of God that are drawn out in this passage is God’s Holiness. This morning I want us to dwell on three aspects of God’s Holiness.
His Separateness
Something is often spoken of as Holy when it is set apart to God for His specific use. It becomes “holy” to God, set apart for Him. God however sits in an entirely different category of Holy. He is Holy in His own being. He is set apart from all creation and entirely different than every created thing. Everything was created by God for His glory. God was not created, and He Himself exists for no other being. All other things exist for Him. There is no one and nothing else like God.
2. His Perfection
John speaks of God’s perfection this way: This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. (1 John 1:5) When we speak of holiness we often mean moral perfection. We think this way because when we are set apart to God for His use, that means we are no longer to live in any sin. Instead, we are to be used only for God’s glory. God is the perfect standard bearer we try to emulate as we seek to live “holy lives.” God is light, moral perfection, and has no darkness, no sin, and no shadow.
3. His Worth
The third aspect of holiness for us to dwell on is God’s immeasurable worth. As the one and only being who is separate from all things, and for whom all things exist, God’s worth cannot be measured or valued. Everything was created to display God’s glory and to give Him glory. We fulfill our ultimate purpose as we lift up the name of God and glorify Him because He is worth all the glory that could possibly be given.
by Aubrey Perea